Welcome to the home of On Demand: The Azure Files, Tarsus On Demand’s first-ever video podcast series that covers the awesome business-enhancing things made possible by the cloud!
This landing page is where all of the podcast videos will live on Tarsus.Today, collected in one easy-to-find location for your browsing convenience. Here, you will see all of the videos posted so far, and get easy access to the series’ YouTube and iTunes playlists.
The most recent episode will always appear here, and be the first episode in the playlist. If you let this video run, it will play all of the episodes that have been published so far, from the most recent to the oldest.
Each video stars at least two members of the Tarsus on Demand team, who take viewers through quick pointers on some aspect of cloud, they share a “Geeky Fact of the Week”, and answer the Question of the Week on something cloud-related.
Questions are chosen from those submitted by viewers, so if you have a burning cloud question that you’d like the team to tackle, you can submit it to the official Question of the Week email address; should your question be featured, you may receive something fun from the team like one of the awesome t-shirts worn by the presenters.
Here is a list of the episodes that have aired so far:
Episode 3: All this and Cloud too
Episode 2: Dude, where’s my server?
Episode 1: Virtual Sanity
We publish the latest episode late in the week, so bookmark this page and come back every Thursday/Friday to see what the team has to say.
Should you wish to see the podcast on iTunes, click the link that’s embedded in the image below. Should you not see the latest episode right away, check again in an hour or so as it can take iTunes a while to sync once we’ve uploaded the file.