For the sixth year in a row now, ASUS has won PCMag’s Readers’ Choice Award for their home networking routers.

This year marks the first time that ASUS has taken the top spot on its own, as the company has shared the top honour with Apple every year since 2012. Apple, meanwhile, has won the award every year since 2005.

According to the PCMag survey, its readers are very satisfied with the setup experience and the overall reliability of ASUS routers, and are most likely to recommend ASUS routers over every other brand.

This year’s results were neck and neck: both Apple and ASUS earned a rank of 8.9 on the “Overall satisfaction” scale, while Apple edged ASUS out when it came to reliability satisfaction, scoring a 9.2 versus ASUS’s 9.1. Where ASUS pulled away and secured the win was with its 9.0 score on the readers’ likelihood to recommend, comfortably beating Apple’s 8.6.

PCMag wrote “This is the sixth straight year Asus has won a Readers’ Choice Award for its home networking routers. No brand is more likely to be recommended than Asus. The company receives excellent marks for their ease of setup and reliability.”