Miles Crisp, Tarsus Technology Group‘s CEO, was recently interviewed for a Business Day TV show called The Big Small Business Show by host Allon Raiz, the CEO of business incubator Raizcorp.

The topic being discussed was Miles’ idea of “The inversion of means and ends”, in which he explored the notion that people don’t want to go to work just to make someone else rich, they want to grow as human beings through the work they do as well.

Essentially, he says that the way traditional businesses works should be turned on its head: work should not be the path taken by which ends are achieved; rather, the work should be the means by which people grow, and find meaning. That, then, becomes the end.

Just going to work for someone else’s ultimate benefit, he says, can end up being demotivational. Mature leadership is required that nurtures and grows staff in order to prevent that from happening, and it can be achieved by flipping the traditional “means and ends” approach on its head.

It’s a fascinating discussion, and one well worth the ten minutes it takes to watch.

You can follow Business Day TV on Twitter on @BSBS_BDTV, and Miles on @MilesGCrisp.